Boxes to Find Your SELF

Boxes to Find Your SELF

Self develop and inspire


Empowers herSELF

Loves herSELF

Fears nothing

21st Century Women

We all know there are only so many hours in the day. As a Holistic Therapist and Mind/ Body Coach, I can only work with a limited number of women in my one-to-one work. Over the last 20+ years, we have noticed that the 21st century is particularly challenging for many women. You may find yourself constantly torn between your career and being a homemaker. You often have even more demands on your time as 'sandwich carers' (caring for your children, your elderly parents and, more often, your grandchildren too!) - so the bit that gives to make way for all of this is your own SELF. We're here to help you change all of that!

Feel-Good Factor

On the other hand, your life may be wonderful and you may just want to treat yourself and feel a little bit special? Filling your life with little moments of happiness is so important to your wellbeing and our 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' will help you to tick that box. Getting something lovely through the post is guaranteed to lift your spirits and give you that warm feel-good glow inside. Doing the activities and using your inspirational gift items throughout the month will continue to super-boost your feelings of happiness until your next subscription box arrives.

Mental Health

If you step onto the Mental Health escalator you may find yourself propelled downhill very quickly. Our 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' provide a welcome interlude into a seemingly mundane or empty life. The resources provided offer you an opportunity to do something for yourself. Taking these simple steps can be immensely empowering. It often encourages a sense of loving yourself again, which eventually brings about an inner strength so that any fears begin to diminish, and may even disappear completely.

Small Steps to Make Big Changes

We would like to help many more women start to reclaim their sense of SELF. Our 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' will make it possible for this to start to happen. Everyone experiences some stress at some time. It doesn't matter where your starting point is, you can always get a little bit more out of life. However, we need to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day! Unfortunately, there is no instant magic cure to fix the modern woman's current stress levels. However, we know that taking small steps on a regular basis will enable you to make huge changes over the course of a year or so. Your monthly subscription box will contain some self-development activities to help you start to make some changes and, it will also contain some inspirational gift items for you. 

The idea behind this venture is born of necessity - many women simply cannot sustain the life they are currently living and we are hoping that 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' will provide a way for women to welcome in a little bit more happiness and take the first step towards enjoying the rest of their life. 

Taking care of yourself isn't selfish. It doesn't mean "Me first" it means "Me too!" Because you are at the centre of the household and everything revolves around you - when you're happy everyone will benefit.
Your Investment
Buying 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' for friends or family is a great way to show them just how much you care about them. 

Many of us don't look to the future and we only care about how we are now, subscribing to 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' will not only improve how you are now, it is actually an investment into your future well-being.

The corporate pledge option to purchase 10 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' provides you with a wonderful opportunity to give something back to the team who support you throughout the year.


S he

E mpowers herSELF

L oves herSELF

F ears nothing

Crowd Funder

We've been lucky enough to be allocated a financial pledge from Crowd Funder through Back Her Business. This initiative was set up to enable women to start new side hustles and/ or businesses. But, there is a catch! We need to raise over £700 from over 35 pledges within 28 days! Please share for us. We would love to start this business.

Setting up a new business isn't cheap! The money raised through this Crowd Funder campaign will provide us with the necessary funds we need to cover the initial business set up costs to launch 'Boxes to Find Your SELF.' It will also provide the cash flow we need to buy-in, and also design and produce, the items to supply the initial box pre-orders.

Giving Back/ Paying it Forward
We believe that what comes around goes around. We understand that, for various reasons, some women are not currently in a good place. It is even more important that these women have a little burst of joy into their lives and the resources to allow them to start to make a difference within their lives. Once 'Boxes to Find Your SELF' has established itself as a profit-making venture, we would like to regularly donate a few of our boxes (or part-boxes) to those most in need.

We are also providing an opportunity for you to join us in this charitable gesture by allowing you to pledge your own financial support towards these charity boxes/ part-boxes.

P.N. We are currently looking for a local charity, organisation or support group to partner up with but, rest assured, we will ensure they go to women who are in need of them.
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