Other Services

Other Services

Stress is a major factor in many of todays health issues, but you can take control! By recognising your bodys symptoms and taking preventative measures and/or remedial action you can manage, and/or release the pain and stress held in your body. This in turn can free you of your associated fears, anger, anxiety, sleep issues and even dark feelings, unhappiness, despondency, lack of hope and interest. 

 I can help you to take back control of your well-being via on-line video-call Zoom appointments with me.

Your body is the road map of your life and holds your mental, emotional and spiritual issues in its physical muscular tissues. Positive Appropriate Touch is so important for all ages and, by relieving muscle tension through massage, we also unlock and release those issues, giving you a general feeling of well-being.

I can also help you to address and release any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues through on-line video-call Zoom appointments with me.

Therapy Tasters/Parties

Therapy tasters are an alternative way to relax with family and friends, provide extra interest at fundraising events and are great for parents attending baby and toddler meet-ups. 

You organise the refreshments or event and book me for an agreed number of hours. The guests each pay a small fee and I offer mini-therapy sessions and answer any therapy-related questions. Tasters are tailored to your groups needs and the organiser gets his or her mini-session free!

I also offer Therapy Parties online via Zoom video call. I'll demonstrate massage (or self-massage) for you all to follow along with on a friend (or on yourself).


Workshops are available for individuals, groups, businesses, or organisations who would like to learn more about reducing pain, managing stress and promoting relaxation. 

I offer workshops on: Easing pain, managing stress, addressing sleep issues, improving your breathing, increasing your happiness and personal development. 

I also offer these courses online online via Zoom video call.

Care Homes and Hospices

Whoever you are and at whatever stage of your life, a Holistic Therapy session can help to relax you, ease your pain, reduce stress and anxiety, provide inner peace and promote general calm and well-being. 

That’s why Holistic Therapies are of great benefit to older people living in care homes and for those at hospices receiving respite, or palliative care. 

Touch is a basic human need that makes us all feel loved and cared for. It is particularly beneficial for older people in residential care who may lack the many benefits provided by daily physical contact. This can occur following the loss of, or separation from, a spouse. 

Initial research indicates that massage may help with the management of behavioural, emotional and other conditions associated with dementia. It also suggests hand massage can be useful for the immediate or short-term reduction of agitated behaviour in people living with dementia.

Infant/ Baby Massage 

I offer instruction to mums, and/or dads and their babies either individually, or in a group. I demonstrate all of the techniques using a baby doll and you follow the moves on your own little one. Should your baby sleep in the lesson, dolls are available for you to use too! The dolls are also ideal for you to learn on if you are currently pregnant.

Massage In Schools Program

I offer instruction to pupils in primary schools and pre-schools for a peer massage through clothing on their backs. The 15 minute set routine includes named moves which the children learn. I generally teach that adults (teachers, teaching assistants etc.) don't work with pupils in this way within the school environment unless there are special exceptions (e.g. due to Special Education Needs with prior parental consent etc.).

Story Massage 

I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to announce that I am an 
Award Winning Story Massage Instructor.
Children are taught ten massage strokes which can be used as part of telling stories, topical stories, social stories, nursery rhymes or even for repetitive learning such as for the weather, or for bedtime routines. Again, the moves are done over clothing on the back, by children on children, in schools and in clubs. 

I also teach story massage to individual families and to groups of families to encourage Positive Appropriate Touch (PAT) across the generations. This is a natural, next step if you have completed my Infant/Baby Massage Courses. It’s an ideal way to engage with teenagers and to maintain, or re-open communication channels with them. PAT also provides many benefits to older people who may no longer receive comforting, physical contact as part of their daily lives.

Therapy Workshops

Learn some basic therapy techniques with your friends, family, neighbours, or work colleagues at one of my therapy workshops. 

Under my guidance you will practice pain and stress-relieving therapy techniques on each other and leave with some valuable new skills – and feeling very relaxed! 

Therapy within the Workplace

In 2015/16 stress accounted for 37% of all work-related ill health and 45% of all working days lost due to illness, according to the Health and Safety Executive. So it makes economic and ethical sense to maintain the health and well-being of your employees. It can also help boost a persons morale, motivation and improve their focus, concentration and performance – so everyone's a winner! 

I offer on and off-site mini-massages for individual employees starting from just ten minutes each. I can also provide workshops/ group sessions from 15 minutes. These are ideal for employees, managers, or members of your company, business, or organisation who would like to learn more about easing pain, reducing/relieving/managing stress, improving sleep, promoting relaxation and personal development. I am generally booked to attend for a whole or half day.

My therapy in the workplace clients have included Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education; Post Office Counters Ltd; Nelson Thornes (Oxford University Press) and Fourways Dental Practice.

“The massage was fantastic, very relaxing. It was a definite benefit during a long day that required lots of concentration.”
Client I, male, late 30s
“Usually my head feels like a lead weight, now it feels very light.” 
Client S, male, late 40s
“Very relaxing, cleared my sinuses and muscle stiffness.”
Client I, male, late 30s
“Fantastic – restful but also energising,”
Client I, male, late 30s
Employee, Nelson Thornes
 Employee, Post Office Counters Ltd.
Employee, Boots
Attendee, Student Union Conference, C&GCHE


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