Your body is a road map of your journey through life so far. Although the physical scars are easily visible on the outside of your skin, the mental and emotional scars are hidden within your muscle fibres and even within each cell structure itself.
Weight lifters are great visual examples of how we can deliberately choose to change our body structure by physical exercise. In the same way that repetitive physical actions such as texting or using a mouse or continual physical actions such as lifting a shoulder to keep a handbag on our shoulder will also alter our physical posture over time.
Holding muscles tight uses up a lot of energy and will eventually leave you feeling tired or exhausted. Although your initial reason for visiting me may be simply to relieve your pain, as a Holistic Therapist, I am interested in what lies behind the tension within your muscle fibres. What mental or emotional stress did you choose to store within your muscles because you did not feel safe enough to express it at the time.
When you instinctively clenched your fist in preparation to punch someone, why did you overrule this instinct so that your fist never made contact with their face? What emotional trauma did you experience at the time and hide away deep within your muscle fibres? This method of repression serves us well at the time (punching our boss never seems to go down particularly well!) but is not good for us on a long term basis. Are you now ready to let go of the muscular tension and thus release the suppressed feelings?
Which muscles did you clench to stop yourself from being a baby and crying when someone was saying things that dis-empowered you, making you feel small, and making you want to cry? Now that you’ve reopened the lid on the memory, will you allow my hands to gently ask those muscles to let go of any of their unnecessary tension?
Redundancy, divorce, illness? Do you find that your lower back hurts when your (financial) security is threatened?
Your body uses an age old language to communicate with you. It tries so hard to tell you when you are slightly out of balance and it begins to whisper its messages to you. Should you ignore these gentle hints, your body then begins to raise its voice and you become aware of more serious aches and pains. Should you again choose to ignore this and carry on in the same manner, your body may eventually need to shout and you may even find yourself incapacitated for a period of time. Recognising that changes need to be made in your life means that transformation will follow and the rest of your life may be much better because of the changes you choose to bring about now. With hindsight, a breakdown can also be seen as a breakthrough.
As you begin to release any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual tension and stress, you begin to feel lighter and more energised. The baby brain or menopausal fog seems to lift, so that you can think clearly and you start to feel more human again. Chores no longer get you down, life becomes fun and you start to look forward to what the next day will bring.
Seeing you transform your dread of dragging yourself out of your bed for yet another mundane Monday morning into a “Wahoo – I wonder what adventures this week will bring me?” is what I love most about being a Holistic Therapist.
I look forward to working with you as a client or on my courses if what I've written interests and resonates with you.
Click here if you would like to contact me to book a session or if you have any queries.